The Ninth International Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing
Mobile communication has become a vigorous field of research in computer science, due to the wide spreading of mobile technologies, applications and services. The intertwining of communication, computation and mobility constantly poses new challenges to algorithmic design in this area. The Foundations of Mobile Computing (FOMC) workshop is dedicated to all aspects that cover contributions both in the design and analysis of discrete/distributed algorithms, and in the system modeling of mobile, wireless and similarly dynamic networks. It aims to bring together the practitioners and theoreticians of the field to foster cooperation between research in mobile computing and algorithms.
FOMC 2013 will be held on October 17 (late afternoon)-October 18 (midday) in Jerusalem, Israel, co-located with the 27th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2013). Previous workshops (under the name DIALM-POMC through 2010) have been co-located with PODC, the International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), and the International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC).
Contributions are welcome in all areas related to mobile and wireless computing and communications where discrete algorithms and methods are utilized. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
- Models of mobility and dynamic networks Algorithmic aspects of mobility, including:
- autonomous agents
- dynamic graph algorithms
- local algorithms
- distributed optimization
- Game-theoretic and economic aspects of mobility: incentives and cooperation
- Cryptographic and combinatorial methods for mobility
- Gossiping and information diffusion
- Communication protocols, including routing, multicast and broadcast
- Scheduling and network capacity
- Data link protocols: MAC, channel allocation, cognitive radio networks
- Topology discovery, localization and clock synchronization
- Location- and context-aware distributed applications, sensor networks
- Emerging networks, including delay-tolerant networks, mobile social applications, vehicular networks
- Fault tolerance and security
- Energy saving methods and protocols
We welcome the following kinds of talks, all of which will be allocated ~20 minute slots. All submissions will go through the same evaluation process.
–Original, previously unpublished research not currently under review by another conference or journal.
–Technical contributions that have either appeared recently in another conference or journal, are currently under review, or are not yet completed.
–Position papers describing creative and compelling new research directions.
Paper and Abstract Publication
Accepted submissions will be published through EPTCS.
Authors of accepted original unpublished technical contributions or position papers may elect at the time of submission to have their contribution published in full length. Other accepted contributions will be published as a short abstract.
Those who wish to give talks are asked to submit an abstract of between 2 and 10 pages, on letter-size paper using at least 11-point font, including figures, tables and references. Additional details may be included in a clearly marked appendix, which will be read at the discretion of the program committee.
Authors must submit their abstracts electronically through EasyChair.
Submissions which are to appear in full length must be unpublished and must not be currently under review for any other publication.
Please indicate on the title page if you are electing for your submission to appear in full length if it is accepted.
Before submitting your contribution, please check the description of the conference scope. If you are unsure whether your work falls within the scope of the conference, please contact the Program Co-Chairs.